We value inquiry and intellectual growth of all students and staff, recognizing their different learning needs, encouraging them to be creative, engaged and lifelong learners. 


We value the acceptance and fair treatment of all people in our community. Social justice and compassion are highly regarded and actively pursued. We encourage...


We value strength of character, honesty and courage, guided by a strong moral code of behavior.


We value the process of striving for excellence, recognizing both relative and absolute standards of excellence, and the desire to produce one’s best at all...


We value the Christian spiritual journey based in the Anglican tradition, acknowledging World religions and the importance of the human spirit which gives personal meaning...


We value leadership and teamwork, underpinned by a strong ethical and moral dimension and put to use in serving our community. The notion of gratitude...


The Scholars School Academic/Training Department works very closely with teachers for a common objective: to improve the quality of teaching and facilitate learning in every way. Our high quality, standardized curriculum has produced some of the best results in the city. The Academic /Training Department has a robust Professional Development Programme for teacher training and another support function is to provide subject specific Term wise CRP (Curriculum Resource Packs) Daily Lesson...

Latest News


Ramadan Prayer day

The prophet Mohammad(PBUH) when asked which charity is best : He (PBUH) said: charity in "RAMADAN". As #TSS believes that...

Charity fundraiser

Charity Project was held in The Scholars School.  The donation was collected through the little and heart warmly amount of...

Science Competition

The Scholars School took part in a Science Fair with the theme ‘Global warming’ on Thursday,  October 2015. Students of...

Season end trip

In order to enjoy the change of season, a ‘Goodbye Winter Season Trip’ was organized to Multi Garden zoo with...